Trojan War Marvel

The Trojan War has its roots in the marriage between Peleus and Thetis. Peleus and Thetis chose not to invite Eris, the goddess of discord, to their wedding and the. Marvel Universe Wiki The definitive online source for Marvel super hero bios. Sersi is a member of the Eternals, a species diverted from humanity by experiments conducted by the Celestials one million years ago. She is at least 5,0. B. C., when the Greek hero Odysseus and his crew, fresh from the Trojan War, came to her island Aeaea. Sersi transformed Odysseus crewmen into pigs for attempting to menace her. Odysseus, however, managed to ward her off with the aid of the goddess Athena, and Sersi turned his men back to normal. WEB_ironman_vs_captain_america.jpg' alt='Trojan War Marvel' title='Trojan War Marvel' />Odysseus spent a year on Aeaea she also encountered Odysseus son Telemachus when he came following his fathers path. Centuries later, Sersi still considered Telemachus to be the love of her life. Over the centuries Sersi often interacted with humans, visiting Rome during the reign of Nero, helping Merlin expose an impostor Merlin Demonspawn in Camelot, visiting France during the French Revolution, and befriending the English poet Thomas Chatterton. Advanced Swing Trading John Crane Pdf Files. In recent years, the Celestials returned to Earth to judge humanity, the Eternals, and their other creation, the Deviants. Sersi became involved in the struggle, enjoying the adventure, but caring little for combat. By this time, Sersi had become a famous entertainer in New York, hosting parties at her loft for film stars, super heroes and other influential people. She often entertained with her powers, which her normal human guests believed to be stage magic. Sersis super hero friendships eventually led her to join the Avengers in search of adventure and romance, first pursuing Captain America and later the Black Knight. Sersi was a sublime yet powerful teammate until she was driven insane by Proctor, an alternate reality Black Knight whose Earth had been destroyed by his worlds Sersi. Sersi eventually slew Proctor and left the Avengers, operating in the extra dimensional Ultraverse for a time before returning home and regaining her sanity. She continues to live in New York, occasionally aiding the Avengers and her people against their foes, but preferring her life as a socialite. The son of Zeus and Hera, Ares was worshiped as the god of war in ancient Greece and Rome. Ares. Aardwolf Chon Li is a mutant in the Marvel Universe. The character, created by Fabian Nicieza, Ken Lashley and Fred Hayes, first appeared in Night Thrasher 3. Virgil The Aeneid, Book II a new downloadable English translation. Captain America Super Soldier is a thirdperson singleplayer video game published by Sega for.