Shinku No Chou Games

YAAOSweW5VScX6/s-l400.jpg' alt='Shinku No Chou Games' title='Shinku No Chou Games' />Historianofthe. Kais Fan. Fiction. Author has written 2. Sailor Moon, Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, Ranma, Justice League, Tenchi Muyo, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Digimon. Hi Historianofthe. Shinku No Chou Games' title='Shinku No Chou Games' />Kais here,I used to go by the pen name of Historian on Anime Addventure until I moved over to this site and adopted my current pen name. These are some pairings that I like and why Pure Ranma. Ranma Kasumi I feel that, in a pure Ranma story, the most vaild marriage claim would have to be the SaotomeTendo agreement. July/71801_SL2_C_char03_ad_Kopie.jpg' alt='Shinku No Chou Games' title='Shinku No Chou Games' />However I dont think that Ranma and Akane would work out as a married couple. Possibly as brothersister, but not any closer. Of the two remaining Tendo sisters I think that Kasumi best complements Ranma and would make a good wife for him. Ranma Crossover Ah, now we get into my favorite type of Ranma fanfiction. In my opinion, while pure Ranma fanfiction can be quite good, Ranma fanfiction stories need an injection of another series to really have the story become a great story. Ranma 12 is good but not the best for serious or long length stories. Of these my favorite pairings are RanmaUsagi Tuskino hey, they make a very cute couple. Both have generally good outlooks on life, both try their hardest in what motivates them, and they generally try to do the right thing. Those are just some of the reasons why I like this pairing. Also, while Ive only seen Anime Mamoru, I generally think negativly about him. Come on, a 2. 0 year old man with a 1. RanmaMakoto Once again, they make a cute couple and they have some common interests. A well used plot that Ive seen to get this pair rolling is to have Ranma as Makotos sempi. RanmaHotaru this good couple allows one to show Ranma in a good knight in shining armor light. Naruto My personal favorite pairings are NarutoIno they both are quite alike, but different enough to complement each other. Serial Codes For Adobe Master Collection Cs6 Serial Number on this page. NarutoTemari they respect each other as ninja and Temari can understand Narutos burden while Naruto knows Temari can accept that he is the container, not the demon. Conditional pairings I like NarutoSakura These two characters show a great deal of development with each other and in their growth throughout the series. Shinku No Chou Games' title='Shinku No Chou Games' />Supposedly a Red Herring pairing by the Series creator. Given the numerous retcons throughout the series I have massive trouble buying that it was always intended as a Red Herring pairing. Both characters in canon share a deep bond due to various events that have happened to them and that they have dealt with together. It is easy to see how a slight change at one time or another could lead to a deeper relationship which has happened in many good fanfics. I can also see them developing into a brothersister bond which they did in Canon and in a number of other good fanfics out there. NarutoHinata While this might be the official pairing for the series, I actually prefer the pairing as presented in fanfics rather than as it is in series. Tag List. mou ii desu. EANF 10 0. 0 shift 1. Die Anime Community mit hunderten Anime als Livestream. NATURA AMORE ARTE ANIMALI CITT NATALIZI RICORRENZE PAESAGGI FIORI VARIE Per impostare come sfondo desktop Cliccare sullimmagine con il tasto destro del. Change logs 1. Fixed some tiny bugs. Enable you to play new coming games directly, dont need the gamelist. Articles, news, decks and card price guides for the TCG CMG game that you play. There simply isnt enough interaction between the duo in Canon to make a strong case of pairing them in the series in my mind. Fanfics pairing these two have a good deal of development and more importantly, personal interaction between Naruto and Hinata. I can only think of three instances where they interact in the Manga the preliminaries of the Chunin exams, Hinata helping Naruto briefly in his fight against Pein, and Hinata helping to boost Narutos moral after Neji died. Important scenes yes, but very thin considering that there are 7. Manga. You dont get points for things you dont add to a series because you didnt add them to the series. My thoughts on Naruto ending All things have to end some time and the Naruto series, as much as I loved it, possibly should have ended a little sooner than it actually did. The fights with Tobi and the Juubi, then the real Madara, Then Kaguya, and then Sasuke just seem to drag things on for no reason other than to try and top what had already occurred a few panels again. After a point, this constant conflict sequence stops being dramatic and feels like the author is in a delaying action because he cannot figure out how the carry on the plot. Had there been rest points and this sequence been a series of battles with periods for everyone to decompress afterwards would have made things much better in my opinion. Another thing that really bugged me was Sasuke Uchiha, his actions throughout Part II, other characters interactions with him, and the complete lack of consequences he faces for them. I can understand filial piety as a driving factor in his character, but even that doesnt excuse his actions. This becomes far more true after he killed Itachi and learned that his parents were in fact dishonorable traitors. He attempted to kidnap a foreign dignitary Killer B for a criminal who wanted to kill said dignitary. He attacked an international meeting with the intention to kill government leaders the Kages and succeeds in killing one of them Danzo. Garmin Mobile Xt For Windows Ce 5.0. After the fight with Kaguya, which could be argued to redeem his previous crimes, he plots to again kill various government leaders the kages along with other people Naruto, everyone he had a bond with, and the Biju. Why he wanted to do these acts or that he mostly failed to do his attempted crimes is meaningless. That he did them and attempted to commit these crimes is all that matters which must be answered for. Had he died of wounds from fighting Kaguya then I would have been wiling to consider his character redeemed. In such a scenario, he would have been a criminal that had a lot of crimes to answer for, but also someone who was able to get things done and helped to save the world. Hell, just having him not try to kill the Kages and become an eternal threat to keep the peace would have been alright in my books. In such a situation it would be easy to see case of the Kages saying yes you committed a lot of heinous crimes but, in recognition for services to mankind you are pardoned. As it is in canon hes a criminal who got a pass on his crimes, both before Kaguya and especially after Kaguya, as a personal favor to Naruto by the Kages and spends his time wandering around without showing gratitude or honoring his family duties. Sasukes treatment of his wife and daughter in Naruto Gaiden is quite disgusting in my opinion which further fuels my dislike for his canon character. He spends years away from Konoha and his family without stopping in for a visit. Hell, his daughter even questions if Sasuke and Sakura are really married in Naruto Gaidan because she never sees him. Kakashi and Naruto are respectively his bosses as the Hokages so it would be very easy for him to ask for some time off to spend with his family. Theyd probably insist that he come home to report in person and then tell him to take some time to be with his family as an unasked for favor to Sakura. Hell, the only logical reason I can think of for Kakashi and Naruto to keep Sasuke wandering is if it was some sort of Uriah Gambit to off Sasuke which does not fit with their characters or personalities at all. The fact that no one brings Sasuke to task for his actions, especially his friends who should be the first people to do so, and instead offers excuses for his actions is also annoying to me. The romance issue at the end of the series I have to say that Kishimoto dropped the ball in his execution of romance in the Naruto series ending.