Compaq Presario Cq56 Recovery Disk

Guide for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8. This guide is about HP recovery disks for the following versions of Windows Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8. A recovery disk is also known as a restore disc, repair disc, boot disc or rescue disk. Looking for a recovery disk for HP Download Easy Recovery Essentials, our recovery and repair disk for HP computers. If you have a computer from Compaq Compaq was acquired by HP in 2. Compaq Presario Cq56 Recovery Disk Download' title='Compaq Presario Cq56 Recovery Disk Download' />HP Compaq BIOS Crisis Recovery from a Failed BIOS Flashing Using a USB Flash Disk tagged compaq bios, hp compaq laptop, Tip, Tutorial. Find and contact HP Customer Support, download drivers, manuals and troubleshooting information for HP products, including pcs, laptops, desktops, printers, tablets. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Create Custom Windows XP CD with SATA Drivers Written on December 10th 2010 at 1221. Last modified August 26, 2011. Aprende como encontrar tu clave de producto Windows 7. Tambin podrs encontrar la clave de Office. Flir Recon Iii Battery Cords Battery Powered Carousel Car Battery For Saturn Ion Battery Operated Race Car Tracks. Guida su come risolvere i principali problemi dello schermo di un pc portatile, per riparare LCD, Inverter e Flat. Su suggerimento di un utente sul forum che cercava. Compaq Recovery Disk guide. Download alternative recovery disk for HPEasy Recovery Essentials works with any HP or Compaq computer model and its compatible with the following Windows versions You can burn Easy Recovery Essentials directly to a CD, DVD or a USB flash drive and use its Automated Repair function to automatically find and fix boot errors. Download Easy Recovery Essentials for HPNote Easy Recovery Essentials can not be used to install or reinstall Windows. Create a HP recovery disk. HP users can create a recovery disk using their built in Recovery Creation software or the hidden recovery partition, depending on what Windows version youre running. You can create the recovery disk for HP computers only onceIf you lost your disk you will not be able to create it again. Consider using an alternative recovery disk to fix boot errors or to access and backup your files details here. The recovery media can be saved on CDs, DVDs or USBs CDs or DVDs for a Windows XP recovery media you may need up to 1. CDs or 2 DVDs. Its recommended that you use DVDs. Awesome Minecraft Buildings. CDs or DVDs for a Windows Vista recovery media you may need up to 1. CDs. Its recommended that you use DVDs. You need up to 2 DVDs. DVDs or USB flash drives for a Windows 7 recovery media. CDs are not compatible. You may need up to 4 DVDs. DVDs or USB flash drives for a Windows 8 recovery media. CDs are not compatible for creating the Windows 8 media. Youll need up to 4 DVDs. Create the disk for Windows XPWindows XP users can make a recovery disk for their HP computer by following these instructions HP is using the Recovery CD Creator software to create the recovery disks for your system. Notes before you start You can create a recovery disk for your computer only once. If you already have one, use that disk otherwise you wont be able to create a new disk. You can only use CDs or DVDs, not USB flash drives. Its recommended to use DVDs, as you need about 2. If not, youll need up to 1. CDs. The Recovery CD Creator software will not work with the following types of CDsDVDs mini discs, DVD RW, DVDRW. The HP recovery partition of your computer must be intact not corrupted or removed to create the recovery media. If your recovery partition is corrupted or deleted, use an alternative recovery disk to fix boot errors. Download Easy Recovery Essentials from here or see its full list of features here. Making the disk from Windows XP if youre able to access Windows XPBoot into Windows XPClose all programs running on your computer. Disconnect from the Internet. Click Start and then go to All Programs. Find the PC Help Tools folder. If your computer series is Pavilion and Media Center, the folder youre looking for might be Hewlett Packard and then the HP PC Recovery CD Creator item. If your computer is a Compaq, find the Compaq folder and select the Compaq PC Recovery CD Creator item or the Recovery CD Creator. Select the Recovery CD DVD Creator item. When the Recovery CD DVD Creator software opens, click Next. Click Next again. The next screen that appears will ask you to select what type of media you plan to use CDs or DVDs. It will also show how many CDs or DVDs you need to have. Click OKInsert your CD or DVD and close the drive tray. Click OKThe process will now begin. Do not power off your computer When writing the first DVD has completed, the software will ask you for the second DVD. Remove DVD 1, insert the blank DVD 2 and close the drive tray. Youll need to click OK when the drive tray is closed. When the recovery disks are created successfully, click OK. You can remove the last CD or DVD from the drive tray. Label your CDs or DVDs and keep them safe. Label them in order DVD 1, DVD 2 etc. Making the disk from Command Prompt if youre not able to access Windows XPThis method requires only CDs It will not work with DVDs. If your Windows XP displays boot errors, you can use Easy Recovery Essentials Automated Repair feature to automatically find and fix boot errors. Download Easy Recovery Essentials from here. Boot your computer. Press the F1. 0 key multiple times about once every secondA Starting PC Recovery screen should appear. A progress bar should be positioned in the bottom of the screen. When this software is loaded, select Start PC Recovery and then click Next. Now press the Alt key and the D key at the same time. The Command Prompt should appear. Type c and press Enter, if c is the letter of your drive where Windows XP is installed. If youre not sure, you can type list volume to get a list of available drives. Type cd windows and press Enter. Next, type cd creator and press Enter. Now type CD Creator. Enter. Depending on the computer model, you now should click on Start Creation or on Next. On some models you may need to press Enter to start the PC Recovery software. Follow the wizard instructions see instructions on PC Recovery for Windows XP users that can access the system. Create the disk for Windows Vista. Windows Vista users of any HP computer can create a recovery disk by following these instructions. If your Windows Vista displays boot errors and youre not able to boot into Vista, you can download Easy Recovery Essentials and use the Automated Repair feature to automatically find and fix boot errors. Download Easy Recovery Essentials from here. Notes before you start You can only use CDs or DVDs, but not USB flash drives. Its recommended to use DVDs you need about 2. If you opt for CDs, you may need up to 1. CDs to create the recovery disk. The CDs or DVDs must be blank. Mini discs are not compatible. You can create the recovery disk only once. If you already created it and lost itdeleted it, you will not be able to create a new disk. Your computers recovery partition must be uncorrupted to create the recovery disk. The instructions Close any programs your Windows Vista is running, e. Disconnect from the Internet. Click Start and go to All Programs. Find the PC Help Tools folder and click on the Recovery Disc Creation item. If you dont have a PC Help Tools folder, look for a Recovery Manager folder and click on the Recovery Media Creation. Click Next. Insert your first blank disk and wait for the Next button to become active. The Recovery Disc Creation software will show how many DVDs or CDs you need to complete the creation of the recovery media. If Windows Vista automatically opens the Auto. Play window, close it. The software will confirm what type of media you inserted CD or DVD. Click Next at this screen. The recovery process will now start. If youre running into errors at this step, go to Troubleshooting for more. The software will ask you for the second DVD or another CD. The drive tray will open automatically for this step. After you added a new blank DVD, wait a few seconds and then click Next. If Auto. Play opens again, close it. The Recovery Disc Creation software will confirm that the disks are created successfully by displaying this message System Recovery Discs Creation complete. Click Finish. Label the disks and keep them safeCreate the disk for Windows 7. Riparare LCD, Inverter e Flat di un computer portatile. Guida su come risolvere i principali problemi dello schermo di un pc portatile, per riparare LCD, Inverter e Flat. Su suggerimento di un utente sul forum che cercava una guida su come sostituire le lampade CCFL allo schermo LCD di un Asus x. Best Search Engine For Ebook Torrents S. Quando mi capitato sottomano questo HP pavilion dv. Per identificare il problema che sta alla base del difetto abbiamo bisogno di fare una piccola analisi. PRIMA DI INIZIAREIl primo test da fare assicurarsi che la scheda video del portatile sia funzionante. Come facciamo Dobbiamo collegare il portatile ad un monitor esterno in mancanza di un monitor esterno ricordo che quasi tutti i televisori lcd di ultima generazione hanno un entrata video VGA tipica dei monitor da pc. Se sul monitor esterno compare il video del pc se ne deduce che la scheda video non danneggiata e possiamo proseguire. CASO A Lo schermo bianco alcune volte si vede, altre rimane biancoE il primo caso possibile. Se variando linclinazione dello schermo o premendo in alcune determinate zone del portatile il problema scompare allorigine del malfunzionamento potrebbe esserci il cavo flatche collega la scheda madre al pannello LCD. Sfortuna vuole che non tutti i portatili abbiamo cavi flat sostituibili Alcuni li hanno saldati dietro il pannello. CASO B Lo schermo rimane completamente nero. E il problema peggiore. Alla base vi o una rottura completa del pannello o della scheda video. CASO C Lo schermo sembra nero ma in realt manca di retroilluminazione. In questo caso il problema da imputare allinverteroppure alle lampade CCFL che sono appunto i due responsabili della retroilluminazione dello schermo. IL CASOIn questo caso il nostro HP pavilion dv. CASO A. Dobbiamo quindi togliere le coperture dalllcd e smontare la base del portatile per provare questo cavo Flat che forse responsabile del nostro difetto. Smontare LCDQuasi tutti i portatili hanno le viti che chiudono il pannello LCD nascoste da piccoli accorgimenti o da gommini. Nel caso del HP pavilion dv. LCD. Una volta tolte le viti bisogna tirare delicatamente ma con decisione la cornice dagli incastri che la mantengono ben ferma. Ed ecco il famoso Inverter di cui parlavamo prima. Smontare base portatile. Per poter arrivare al connettore sulla scheda madre del portatile dobbiamo per forza smontare la parte alta dello chassis e la tastiera. Dal di sotto del portatile bisogna rimuovere tutte le viti contrassegnate che sono di due tipi lunghe rosso e corte blu. C per forza bisogno di aprire anche i due compartimenti contrassegnati RAM e HDD perch al loro interno si trovano le viti che mantengono ferma la tastiera. Guardando la galleria qua sotto potrete vedere come fare a smontare chassis e tastiera. Prima di tutto bisogna togliere dallincastro la parte alta dello chassis. Consiglio di partire dal centro e poi tirare pian piano verso lesterno. ATTENZIONE2. Il pezzo di plastica con i tasti non pu essere ancora rimosso perch le due flat che lo collegano alla scheda madre sono nascoste sotto la tastiera. Quindi, a questo punto, bisogna spostarlo poco pi in un per vedere le viti che fermano la tastiera. Consiglio di rimuovere anche il blocco altoparlanti per poter accedere meglio alla flat di collegamento dellLCDEcco la galleria. Flat. Ed ecco la nostra presunta colpevole. Flat collegata alla scheda madre. Parte della Flat collegata allinverter. Flat o Inverter Per poter fare questa prova possiamo forzare i cavi e linverter che collegano lo schermo dandogli dei colpettini. Per poter accendere il pc Stando attenti che comunque c della corrente elettrica che gira Bisogna ricollegare il pannello di plastica con il tasto daccensione basta quella di sinistraSoluzione. Come si vede dal video dando dei colpettini alla parte sinistra della flat, vicino la scheda madre lo schermo sfarfalla. E quindi l lorigine dei nostri problemi. Ora non resta che sostituire il cavo flat oppure. Dando unocchiata al cavo si nota come una parte sicuramente molto suscettibile a danneggiarsi. C unestremit di ferro che gli ingegneri HP hanno messo per confinare il cavo in una zona che molto probabilmente la causa dei nostri problemi. Scollegando il cavo, comprimendolo un po e rimettendolo al suo posto facendo attenzione ad andare completamente nella guida predisposta IL PROBLEMA E SCOMPARSO.