An Illusion Of Harmony Science And Religion In Islam Pdf

Illuminati Truths Mystery of the Iniquity. Now, first of all this is taken from the internet. I cannot account for all the statements as the truth. This person also has a YOUTUBE account, recently started. I will post what has been brought forth as of today. First of all, if you do not believe me then I am sorry. I am here to tell the truth, and nothing that is written by me is false exaggeration nor science fiction. Here we present some authentic texts from the Islamic tradition and references of Islam as the middle path, neither extremist viewpoints, nor modernist interpretations. An Illusion Of Harmony Science And Religion In Islam Pdf FilesAn Illusion Of Harmony Science And Religion In Islam Pdf BooksThis information is real, it is true, it is reality, and it is time for it to be told. I was a member of the Illuminati for 4. I was recruited when I was 1. I have posted here off and on over the past year. Some of the posts are mine, others are my brothers, mainly they are his The information that I am about to unfold is very revealing and very dangerous. An Illusion Of Harmony Science And Religion In Islam Pdf DownloadOn the topic of Ahmadi beliefs, consider that Nabeel Qureshi and I have both left Ahmadiyya Islam and Islam in general. Although we chose different paths from one. An excursion into the blogosphere reveals the polarization which attends Islamic issues. Comment areas are populated with readers who seem to think that Islam is a. By Samuel Burke, CNN Before their wedding ceremony begins in rural Afghanistan, a 40yearold man sits to be photographed with his 11yearold bride. The. I am one of seven people in the history of the Illuminati that have performed the Departure Ritual. I knew that I needed to get out when I had something revealed to me at a meeting in June of 2. For years I was in line with the beliefs, motives, and actions of the Illuminati, but it recently became too much for me to bear, and I had to extinguish my sacred contract. My reason for coming here is to reveal EVERYTHING about the Illuminati. How you become a member, what the organization is about, what the organization does, and the future plans that we have. I will be back to make my first post when I can see that this thread has enough attention for me continue. Any time in the near future when I begin to reveal the secrets of the Illuminati, I need to ensure that there are enough people paying attention so that my efforts do not go to waste. Once I see that this thread has a substantial amount of views and replies, I will make my first post. Here is a preview of some of the things that I will reveal Barack Obama is not a member of the Illuminati, he is something much, much worse. The new space flights which are planes that can briefly enter orbit are not as fun as they seem, they are an Illuminati tool. Denver, Colorado is an evil place. Aliens are a little different than what mainstream teaches us. The information I have is essential This post will be about how the Illuminati recruited me and what exactly I had to go through. When I was nineteen years old, I fell into some money through some connections with friends and some successful investments of some money that I had made throughout my childhood. I got involved in some backroom deals and saw my money begin to grow. As I attended college at Harvard in 1. I begin to become increasingly rich, and my influence on campus grew as well through my participation in various clubs, and organizations. Some friends and I began to serve as quasi stock brokers while still at Harvard. I made tons of cash during that year, and was very powerful and influential on campus. One night as I was walking back to my dorm shortly after midnight, I was approached by two men in black suits. I initially assumed that they were going to investigate my business activity because some of it was not exactly legal. They asked me to come with them and I followed them into the basement of a two story house a couple streets over from my dorm room. They sat me down at a table and asked me if I was willing to make a deal. They would not tell me what deal I would be making, but just continually asked if I would be willing to make a deal. I half assed agreed that I would, and that is when the biggest man that I have ever seen walked through some closet doors and sat down in a chair directly opposite from me. A television was wheeled in front of me and on it was playing a video of the JFK assassination. The man that was sitting opposite me asked who I thought shot JFK. I naturally said Lee Harvey Oswald. All three of the men laughed, and the video changed to show that the shot that killed JFK actually came from the front seat of the car. It is very hard to make out in the videos that we normally see, but in the version that this man was showing me, it was obvious that the driver of the car was the one who shot JFK. The man asked if I thought that he was capable of doing this, and I did not know what to say. He told me that he was capable of anything. He detailed the story of the Illuminati. How it had formed in the 1. Illuminati was behind the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, World War I and II, the Vietnam War, and he told me about how a terrorist attack on two buildings would change the world forever. Two chicken bones were placed in front of me, and I was told that I would be joining the Illuminati. If I did not, then they would kill me on the spot. They told me to take the chicken bones to a crossroad on the outskirts of town, and I had to bury them, then spill my own blood over top of the spot where they were buried. The two men in suits accompanied me, and I performed the ritual. After it was done, I was taken to a large mansion which I was told was mine now. I was given numerous cars, countless women, and a vault that was full of money. I was left with instructions that I had made a deal with Lucifer himself, and that if I did not follow directions, then I would be used in the most unpleasant way. The first time that I was really used by the Illuminati was during the presidential election of 1. I was called to Denver, CO to partake in a meeting in early February. I was chauffeured to the meeting location, and the windows of the limo were blacked out, so I still to this day do not know exactly where the meeting was held. I was very relieved to find out that the meetings of the Illuminati were not satanic or cultish other than that everything in the room was completely red. A man stood up in front of the room and introduced himself as Rorie Rothschild. He gave us our instructions by saying that it was already put in place that Richard Nixon would be president of the United States. I was astonished to know that this group picked who was going to be the POTUS, but I soon found out that every president in American history has been a puppet of the Illuminati. My assignment was to position myself in Washington D. Game Magic Lines. C., and to work to incite rioting and turmoil after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Yes, I knew about the assassination of MLK before it occurred. The assassination occurred in April if I am correct, and I knew about it in February. It was decided that MLK was a dangerous man because of the way that he was creating a following in the way that he was. The truth is that MLK was approached by the Illuminati and asked to join, but he is one of the view that rejected and somehow escaped death. The elite in the group decided to let him live for awhile, for pure entertainment, but when they were ready for him to die, they made sure he did, and they planned when he would. I was in D. C. at the time of the assassination, and I made the mistake of spreading the word that MLK was dead, an hour before he had actually been shot. Thankfully no one notices, and widespread riots ensued. Many other people were placed in many other major cities. The purpose of killing MLK at the time that he was assassinated was to serve as a distraction to the coming murder of Bobby Kennedy. The Illuminate had already killed JFK, and they were not about to let another Kennedy make a run for the presidency. The Kennedy family turned out to be a challenge for the Illuminati, but they were taken care of. Remember a few years ago when Ted Kennedy was taken out of a dinner for health problemsPhilosophy Physics Metaphysics of Space, Wave Structure. Matter. Famous Science Art Quotes. And those whose hearts are fixed on Reality. Philosophers. Plato, Republic, 3. BCDenying realism amounts to megalomaniathe most widespread occupational disease of the professional philosopher. Karl Popper, 1. Hi and welcome everyone March, 2. This website is about truth and reality about how you and everything. We have an extensive collection of pages on many. More than this though, we provide. And yes, we do realise that people are skeptical of websites on truth and. But the solution is obvious. This page is divided into three parts 1. Summary On Truth and Reality the Wave Structure. Matter. 2. Latest Work Most Important Pages3. Four Main Functions of this Website. Summary Truth Reality Wave Structure of Matter. Reality. cannot be found except in One single source, because of the interconnection. I maintain also that substances, whether. Gottfried Leibniz, 1. Bradley, 1. 84. 6 1. We may agree, perhaps, to understand. Metaphysics an attempt to know reality as against mere appearance, or. The Error The Motion of Discrete Particles in Space and Time. For the past 3. 50 years since Newton. Thus you have to add forces or fields to the particles. This is merely a mathematical. Further, both quantum. Einsteins. general relativity matter energy curves space time contradict the. The Solution The Wave Motion of Space Causes Matter and Time. We simply needed to describe reality from the. Space, that all matter exists in. This leads to only one solution, a Wave Structure of Matter in Space from. Fig. 1 There is no particle wave duality of matter. We only see the high wave amplitude wave center and have been deluded. A very naive. conception in hindsight and quantum. Deducing Reality Uniting Metaphysics with Science. There are just two steps to deducing the truth about your existence in. And I emphasize that none of this is my opinion everyone will come to. Deduce that Space is One Active Substance Unite Science Metaphysics. Most Simple Science Theory of Reality Science requires physical reality to be logical, sensible and simple Occams. Metaphysics requires the existence of one active substance to explain. Leibniz. simply states Reality cannot be found except in One single source, because. I maintain also. that substances cannot be conceived in their bare essence without any activity. Gottfried Leibniz. This dynamic unity of reality from one active substance, required to explain. Greeks and Indians, Chinese, many. Aristotle in his famous metaphysical. The first philosophy Metaphysics is universal and. And here we will have. The entire. preoccupation of the physicist is with things that contain within themselves. And to seek for this is to seek for the. Aristotle, Metaphysics, 3. BCGiven we all experience many minds and many material things, but always. Space, and since we must describe physical reality in terms. Space. If. you try using many things, like matter or minds, you have to add a second. So now we are considering the properties of this space to explain activity. Look around you in space and notice that light comes in to you from all. This light has well known discrete particle and continuous. However, we cannot add discrete and separate particles to space a second. Thus we come to the necessary conclusion that this. Thus we have our one active substance vibrating space the wave motion. Interestingly, Aristotle. Finally, we must consider what kind of waves can flow in all directions. We find the most simple solution is two. So let us now simply state our conclusion our truth statement for what. One Active Substance Three Dimensional Space Exists and has. Plane Waves Flowing Through it in All Directions. This is the most simple way to describe physical reality that is in harmony. Fortunately for us, a brilliant philosopher, metaphysicist and mathematician. Sir William Rowan Hamilton 1. Hamilton believed this mathematics was. And it turns out he was correct about its importance in fact he was 6. Einstein in connecting three dimensional space x,y,z with. Time is said to have only one dimension, and space. The mathematical quaternion partakes of both. And how the One of Time, of Space the Three, Might. Chain of Symbols girdled be. W R Hamilton It is beautifully elegant mathematics that perhaps scares off many people. But these just represent. Thus i. 2 1 really means a 1. So whenever you see ix, jy and kz you are considering vectors on orthogonal. This then gives us the four dimensional mathematical structure to represent. D space. So now we are in a position to test this wave theory of reality to see. Deduce the Spherical Standing Waves Formed from Plane Waves in Three. Dimensional Space And now for the very cool clever bit it is these waves that create both. When you do the mathematics complex. BACKGROUND SPACE FIELD VIBRATIONS Space vibrates in a fixed but very. PARTICLE VIBRATIONS ELECTRONS POSITRONS Space vibrates spherically. Of profound importance though is the fact that there are exactly four. Two of these phase arrangements create the two spin states of electrons. This keeps the phase of electrons and positrons locked to the phase of background. I was seeking. How amazing we never needed to add Newtons God particles to space. The wave diagrams are very useful. This simple diagram represents intersecting plane waves. When. you combine the left eight diagrams you get the image on the right. You. can clearly see the spherical effects starting to form and importantly. We. have a page of wave. WSM in space. Very importantly, the wave solutions are in pairs. This means that whenever. This explains matter antimatter. However if you want to see and use these particles then you need to add. This explains why a strong electric. I actually. deduced this last night then checked it is true. This also means physics. Thus modern physics thinks that particle. The solution, the pair production is just the plane waves changing their. Both wave. patterns have the same energy it is just distributed in different directions. The Very Famous Dirac Equation of Matter and Fields the Universe is. Explained From the above plane wave formalism in 3. D space the quaternion wave equation. Dirac equation and this is really the. Dirac found the solution mathematically by factorizing the energy equation. Klein Gordon equation into its component parts, whereas we have. Interestingly, it is well known that the Dirac equation represents multiple. Borns probability wave interpretation, never imagined. This is a classic example of existing. This is also why Planck observed. Despite the errors one must also marvel at how much mathematical analysis. But. now any sensible logical person can simply understand and visualize physical. Einsteins relativity and quantum physics using three. This has already been done I have. If quaternions are used consistently in theoretical. Thus Hamiltons idea, which. Andre Gsponer and Jean Pierre Hurn, http arxiv. PScachemath phpdf0. Basically stated, once you have the correct three dimensional mathematical. We now have a complete metaphysical scientific theory that deduces all. Einsteins relativity with the complete mathematics. I have just provided the final piece of the puzzle, the connection of quaternion. Atomism Postmodern Relativism Vs Metaphysical Substance, Causal.